The instruments must be situated correctly for a proper representation of the current weather conditions. A perfectly sited station is said to achieve a grade of 30/30.
KilleenFortCavazosWeather grades in at 26/30. The temperature and humidity sensors are situated in a fan aspirated radiation shield. The manual rain gauge is CoCoRaHs approved and is situated in a clear and open space, affixed to a 4X4 which is slanted at the top. The automated gauge is a precision tipping bucket design. Both gauges have bird spikes installed. The anemometer sits atop a 24 foot telescoping pole. The recommended height is 30 feet. As of early 2024 the anemometer needs replaced...wind speeds record seldom and too slow. The temperature and humidity sensors' hosuing and shield are crumbling in the Texas heat. We routinely reach 105+ degrees F each year. The station is over ten years old.
In operation since: 2013-06-08 (4220 days)