Ft Hood Metro 76542 weather

 Latitude N 31° 03' 29"    Longitude W 97° 43' 57"    Elevation 920 ft

Dawn: 06:39 Sunrise: 07:04 Moonrise: 03:57 Moon
Dusk: 18:49 Sunset:  18:24 Moonset: 13:47
Daylight: 12:10 Day length: 11:20 Moon Phase: Waning Crescent

Welcome to South Central Killeen.

The weather station in use is the Vantage Pro 2, and these pages are updated every 1 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.

Forecast: Fine, becoming less settled

Conditions at local time 12:26 on 23 February 2025
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 61.5 °F Dew Point 48.4 °F
Windchill 61.5 °F Humidity 62%
Heat Index 61.5 °F Apparent Temperature 61.1 °F
Solar Radiation 737 W/m² Evapotranspiration Today 0.030 in
Rainfall Today 0.03 in Rainfall Rate 0.00 in/hr
Rainfall This Month 1.10 in Rainfall This Year 3.28 in
Rainfall Last Hour 0.00 in Last rainfall 2025-02-23 04:03
Wind Speed (gust) 3.0 mph Wind Speed (avg) 0.0 mph
Wind Bearing 312° NW Beaufort F0 Calm
Barometer  30.140 in Falling Rapidly -0.027 in/hr
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::this month::this year::records::monthly records::trends::forum:

Page updated 2/23/2025 12:26:00 PM
powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (1099)